Fire protection of Ograx – fire retardant treatment of constructions and materials
effective fire protection
integrated approach

OGRAX® fire protection

Today UNICHIMTEK is a leading developer and manufacturer of fire protection materials in Russia. Our scientists of Lomonosov Moscow State University passed a way from fundamental science to practical application and were among the first ones in Russia to develop competitive domestic high-tech production of fire protection materials which were named OGRAX®.

OGRAX® brand - name associates with quality and reliability. OGRAX® passive fire protection materials - is a result of a reliable cooperation between fundamental science and high-tech production. 

UNICHIMTEK is a fast developing company that has significant intellectual resources, supported by long-standing experience in the development and production of passive fire protection materials. Always aspiring to further development and excellence, we continue fundamental research in field of modern materials` science, thus allowing us to develop new products.

In its activity, our company always strives to work closely with the customers. Thus, we are able to provide the most efficient support to our partners and obtain new ideas for development of new technical solutions.